Plein air painting with Mike Hernandez - Supplies list

Winsor newton Brand: Permanent White, Linden Green, Brilliant Yellow, Permanent Yellow Deep, Marigold Yellow or cad orange, Cad red Medium, Magenta, Primary red, Alizarine Crimson, Brilliant Violet, Naples yellow, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Spectrum Violet, Cobalt Blue, Olive Green, Brilliant Green, Cobalt Turquoise Light, Cypress Green.
Holbein Brand: Aqua Blue, Katsura Blue.
A simplified palette that would also work would be:
Permanent White, Brilliant Yellow,  Marigold Yellow or cad orange, Cad red Medium, Alizarine Crimson, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Spectrum Violet,
Cobalt Blue, Olive Green.
Brushes:  Half inch, 1 inch flat and #8 round acrylic brushes. I like the Jack Richeson set from
Some kind of standing painters’s easel. Mikes likes the Strada Mini. If needed, you may use a chair to lap paint from. A hat for shade, sunscreen and long sleeves to avoid getting sunburned. 
Cup or container for water. Spray bottle.
Paint saver palette box from Amazon:

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